100mm / 4" Castor with Rubber Blue Wheel

Wheel Width: 27mm

Carrying Weight per Wheel: 200kg / 440Lb

Works with Castor Plate W0094 and universal wheel plate W8980.


W0975, W0985 and W0990

W0975-01, W0985-01 and W0990-01

W8990, W8990/B, W8990K and W8990K/B

Material: Steel/Rubber

Part No. W0975-V6
Material Steel
Finish Zinc
Description Fixed Castor with 100mm / 4" Blue Wheel. Wheel Width: 27mm / 1"
Carrying Weight per Wheel 200kg
Weight 1.06kg
Qty available:18 SKU:W0975-V6
Penn Elcom - W0975-V6 - 100mm Castor - Fixed

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