Plastic Injection Molded Cases
Injection molded cases, Like Pelican cases are made just like the name states, injecting thermoplastic into a mold using a high pressure injection molding machine.
There are many benefits to this method of construction, High quality and low cost, complex shapes, light weight and most of all, strong!
Along with being extremely strong, this also offer an off the shelf option for customer who need a complete solution for packaging their products for final sales, sales reps and general protection for industrial based applications.
We offer and stock a vast range of injection molded cases from the worlds leading brands. Pelican Cases, MAX Cases, Nanuk Cases, Pro Cases just to name a few.
Along with stocking a huge range from the above brands with pick and pluck foam, we also have the machinery and capability in-house to do custom fit outs like foam inserts, aluminum dividers and engraving on foam.