The new R5033X is a door hinge mounted on a 555mm drawer slide that allows you to slide a trap door within a rackmount case when in use. With a simple panel and a slam lock, you can easily create a door that can be hidden within the case when opened.

Perfect to build standard 600mm x 600mm shock mount rack cases

For use with R8800 Anti-Vibration Rack Systems: the easiest way to build a shock mount rack case. Use crossbar R8800-70 for additional space to fit the sliding door.

R50335 - For use with 30mm extrusions.

R50338 - For use with 35mm extrusions.

Sold in Pairs

Extended Load Capacity: 10kg per pair

Part No. R50335 & R50338
Material Steel
Finish Zinc
Description Door Hinge on Drawer Slide
Qty available:32 SKU:R50338
Penn Elcom - R5033X - Door Hinge On Drawer Slide.

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